Friday, February 1, 2019

Why is Hajj mandatory before charity?

Muslims are present in the all the regions of the world. And practicing its teaching and they encounter many questions daily and the common question asked by them is that Hajj is mandatory before charity? Now for those today I came with an Answer to this question and make you clear in somethings. Performing Umrah thru Cheap Umrah Packages 2019 isn’t obligatory. 

 Well, Yes! Hajj mandatory before charity. Because of any reason they are as follow, 

The necessity of Charity: 

Well, Charity is necessary it is an obligation to all Muslims. Whereas Hajj is not Obligation I but it is obligated to the people who can afford it. If you can afford its expenses but still wish to do it. And after a much hard work, you make up money for it.

 And before you go if you see someone in pain. You must give that money to him in the name of Allah. 

It has been reported that and it is real took buy things form him. They both were going to Hajj. But at the last moment, the shopkeeper donate is money in the way of Allah to help someone and didn’t go on the Hajj. And it was reported by that person that “I sawed him forward from me in Tawaf, Sai and fully all the aspects.”

 What does it mean if a person spent his money in the way of Allah and help others, he will get the reward of Hajj and zakat?

 Well, I advise you to do charity in the name of Allah and perform Mini-hajj after in the month of Ramadan it has the more reward even that of the Hajj as Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) said, A person who will perform Umrah in the month of Ramadan. He will surely get the reward of Hajj with me”

 So many of the people do charity and perform Umrah in Ramadan thru Last 10 Days Ramadan Umrah Packages 2019 and get the more reward. Now Umrah visa rules 2018 make it easy for the Muslims around the world to perform Umrah at cheap and fewer prices. In the light of Hadiths:

 Well, Hajj mandatory before charity about it's important the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) said as follow, The one who will help others will get the reward of Hajj in the state of Ihram As we can see in the above-mentioned report that a person who helps the needy will get the reward on hajj in the state of Ihram. 

So yes, we must do charity and help other rather than doing Hajj. I am not saying to not to do Hajj but helping others should be our first priority for us.

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